
Aether, Creating reality in the heart, Darkness and the void of creation, Esoteric Knowledge, Infinity, White horse prophecies


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To read the original article written by Lisa Rising Berry – CLICK HERE

I saw and felt the infinity loop receive a new makeover a while ago, and it is now emitting a different frequency.  This frequency makes it feel like something is on the brink of happening. I know this feeling of something coming has been here on this planet for quite some time; however, it seems like it has really increased in the last few months. It is stronger than it was before the infinity loop energy shifted.  This is partly due to the new vibration of the infinity loop, we have not felt this type of energy before, so it can make us feel like something new is coming. When in fact, the something new already came. It seems this is part of the “something is coming” feeling, and I believe there is another part that has me a bit perplexed.  Because what we feel as an “event” occurring soon, is our linear Earth time perception, and it is not in in-line with Universal time. Never-the-less, I feel something is on the edge of occurring. What that something is…is beyond our grasp, and when, is not connected to Earth time.

I had an astral dream experience at the end of March.  It was one of those “different” dream experiences, were you know, and feel you are in another location doing a job.  I was in the woods, and my job was to watch an invisible gate. There was a group of people that were running and jumping into a gate, and as they made it through, I would see an explosion of golden light.  It was like a giant gold flash. If you remember, in one of my past articles, I wrote about seeing the gold energy cover the planet. I feel what I saw back then was the beginning of what is occurring now. Behind the people running for the invisible gate was a group of angry individuals that were trying to interfere with the gate.  In front of the angry people where individuals that were warriors of some kind, and they were preventing the angry people from stopping the ones that wanted to jump through the gate. Just as the last of the people that were jumping into the gate got to me, I jumped in behind them and in front of the warriors and I made it into the gate.  I was the last to jump in, and I was plunged into darkness. It was not scary, it was comforting. I think we jumped into dark matter/aether, which is the new beginning of everything. Right after I see the darkness, my cell phone reboots itself. Which make me so frustrated, because I wanted to stay and see more. But, since all things happen for a reason…I didn’t see anymore.  However, there is a good reason my phone restarted. It was more symbology for me. Jumping into the vastness of dark matter/aether/space, is a re-set, a new beginning. Just like my phone starting over. After I woke up, I just let the experience go. I knew if I needed to know more then I would.

A few days ago, I saw a vision.  I was fully awake, thinking about nothing really.  I had my eyes closed, when I saw white energy flowing from the left to the right.  It looked like an ocean swell. I knew I was getting more information. Then I read an article written by Lisa Gawlas.  She mentioned how she heard the words “event horizon” during a reading she did with a client. Just hearing those words triggered something deep in my heart.  So, I connected my wisdom heart, which is my “inner-internet”, with the outer computer internet to see what I would find. Event horizon’s are connected with black holes, but I was interested in white energy, because that is what I saw coming in, and I feel this is where we are located.  I found information on white holes, which are the opposite of black holes. Both have event horizons. White holes are constantly expanding, and don’t let anything in. Dark holes are the opposite, and pull energy in. White holes are connected to the past, and dark holes the future. Hmmmmm….   Our universe has been expanding since its creation, and there are scientific theories that suggest our universe was created in a white hole. I feel this is true, and we are getting close to exiting our white hole of our past, and preparing to enter the future of the dark hole of a new creation. I found this diagram, and it explains everything.
diagram of white holediagram is from Wikipedia

It is in the shape of the upward infinity symbol.  The bottom section is the white hole. Our universe was created at the bottom. You will see singularity below the white hole.  We came from singularity and entered the white hole of expansion.  As we progress on our path, we swirl closer to the middle. When this happens, the intensity of the energies increases, and chaos is created.  I feel we are at the narrowest section of the white hole. When we move into the dark hole and continue up, things become less chaotic and then we return back to singularity once again.   I feel this perfectly explains the journey of our Earth as well as the personal journey of the individual.  We are a small part of the bigger picture.  As above equals so below.

The gate in my dream experience, is zero point. Now, remember in my last article, how I saw the old infinity return to a zero, before it reformed.  Zero is new beginnings. It seems that once the energy shifted, it placed us at the gate. I feel this is occurring not only on a individual scale, but also on a planetary level as well. People are moving into the upper portion of infinity, as they progress on their personal paths, and now the planet is doing the same.

When I jumped through the gate and I saw darkness, I feel this was the dark hole. In my spiritual opinion, a dark hole is simply a mass of aether existing at zero point that has the energy of a wormhole, that sends whatever enters it into a new future. It seems this Wormhole, funnel-shaped tunnel that can connect one universe with anotheris where we are now. How long will it take for the planet to move through?  I don’t know, but I think it is connected to how many people make the journey on their personal paths. I feel, I fully jumped into my new unknown future. I was not afraid, I leaped into the unknown. It seems, that there are energies/entities that still don’t want people to jump through their personal zero points, and this is why I saw the warriors stopping them from interfering.

churning of milk oceanLet’s look at the white energy I saw from the spiritual mythology perspective.  Mythology is spiritual teaching in metaphor. There is the story of how universes are created.  It all begins with an ocean of milk. (I have written about this before.) Then the milk is churned by swirling in a spiral. As time progresses the swirl moves faster, and it begins an upward path toward zero point.  When the milk is churned it makes butter. Which is yellow/gold. When you look at the diagram with the knowledge of this mythology, you can clearly see that this is what is occurring now.  The ocean of milk is just about finished churning, and we almost have gold that will change our physical existence. This gold is the long awaited Golden Age. When I saw the white energy moving, it did look like a ocean swell.

There is more symbology in butter.  In my Tibetan Bon tradition, we light butter lamps.  They bring the light of inner awareness to darkness. Well, perhaps, as our milk is butter lampsfinished churning, and we have butter.  Then we will exit the white hole, and enter into the black hole of aether. Once this occurs,  we will exit into our future that is bright with the light of inner awareness.  Which could be the next cycle of time, the Golden Age. The light of inner awareness is called the 4th lamp, in my Bon tradition, and it is the heart. When you place an upward infinity loop over the body, the heart is zero point.


I am still not sure if the Golden Age will occur on Earth before the entire “school” system is gone, but I now think there is a possibility.  As always time will tell. My heart does tell me that the planet is going to pass through zero point, but what is on the other side is unknown.  In aether anything can be created. We are being pulled to zero point, and nothing can stop this. We have reached the point of no return. No matter how horrible things get on this planet, in the big picture, we will move through the gate.  2018 is an 11 year. 11 represents a gate or a portal. Is 2018 only for individuals that will move into the upper loop of infinity, and will jump into their own personal dark hole? Or is this the year for the planet to jump as well? I have no idea, and if anyone says that they know, then they are only fooling themselves.  There are some mysteries that will remain unknown to humans, and the time of entry is one of them.

But enter we will, and we will travel to a new beginning, where no human has been before.  Or will we still be considered Hu-Man? Who knows? Time will tell it’s story when it’s ready, until then… we wait, prepare and enjoy our time here.  Perhaps as we all mount our White Horses, we will exit the white hole and enter into our new future of freedom.  Enjoy the ride!  Hugs…Lisa Rising Berry

Just a reminder that my Spring Clean Up Special will run until the end of April.  A regular session is ½ off at $44.00 for one hour. This will be the last special I will run until the Fall.

So….If you find the information in my articles insightful, and helpful.  And you would like to work towards spiritual transformation through true inner alchemy, then consider scheduling a session with me.

I use my clairvoyant ability, along with esoteric knowledge from many different spiritual modalities, to assist you on your path.   Dream Interpretation, Tibetan Meditation and Breathing Practices, Healing with the Elements, are just a few of the methods I explore with my clients.

Every session is designed to help balance your body, mind and soul.  Spiritual practices enable you to regain your power, and put you in the driver seat of your life. If you are ready to expand your future possibilities then click here to schedule.  I am doing my sessions via zoom now.  This enables me to share my screen when presenting different topics.

This article is copyrighted.  I would love you to share, but please credit the author Lisa Rising Berry and provide a link to this blog

Aether, Azoth, Infinity, Mu Cord, White horse prophecies


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To read the original article written by Lisa Rising Berry – CLICK HERE

sliver-circleThis article is a continuation of Secrets of Infinity Part 3.  I last saw the lower half of the upward infinity symbol break off, and it resealed itself into a zero.  Which is still infinity, but it’s just not twisted and meeting in the center. After I wrote this article I was left wondering why the bottom section dropped off.  I came to realize that this was Gaia’s way of dropping the energies that no longer served this planet. A lot of the density on this planet was brought by negative influences from many galactic years ago, and it needed to energetically leave.  And so it did, very quietly. After it resealed itself, and began to spin around the circle, I noticed my personal life coming full circle, and I thought it was just my imagination. However, that was not the case. I was drawn back to the year 2008, 10 years ago.  10 is the number of completion. The 1 is the MuChord and the 0 is infinity. 2008 was also a 10 year. I could see it was all about the 0 (zero/circle) and the 1, the middle pillar MuChord. My most life changing spiritual experience occurred in 2008. I saw myself (soul) enter the current body I am in.  I…meaning a part of my soul consciousness. I literally witnessed this, as I saw the crown of my bodies head as my target. I don’t like to talk about this unless it is necessary, and in this case it is. Because I felt myself pulled back into the year 2008. I had unfinished business there, and I returned to the location where this all started for me.  I thought this would be an energetic event and I would deal with the trauma of that time in meditation only, but I was wrong. I returned to Washington State, and the exact location where the trauma took place 10 years ago. I had terrifying moments there, ending in enormous joy. I survived with glory. And I will save the details of this journey for my next article.  It involves a close friend of mine that I reconnected with, who also experienced the same things I did in 2008. It will be a very personal article, and I am not ready to write it yet. I will be doing a radio show with my friend, and we will discuss our extreme adversity that we overcame. She now has an amazing healing center that I want to present to the world. The name of her center is Free Space, and it is a testament to showing how freedom comes after the darkness.  This center would not have been possible if we had not gone through the fires of hell and came out into the light. We are ready to tell our stories when the time is right.

Now I want to get back to life coming full circle.  Because this may happen to others as well, not just me.  When I was pulled back to 2008, it was as if I literally stepped back in time.  While I was in Washington State it was very weird. I was new but the energies were not.  At least not yet. I felt like I was on an old dying timeline in the physical, but in a newly evolved energetic body, and the two did not mix.  Once I was back home and fully recovered from the events there, I could feel how my energy was changing again in a large way.  I was remote viewing horses traveling from the right side of my vision to the left, I wasn’t thinking about my past anymore.  My old hurts where disappearing quickly. It all seemed too good to be true. I am fortunate to have a friend (Lisa Gawlas) that is an amazing clairvoyant reader of energy. She can look at your field and tell you exactly what you are doing on your path at the moment.  She is the only “seer” than can read my energy. So, I scheduled a session with her. She saw the horses of my remote viewing, and I never mentioned my vision to her, and she saw much more. She could see how my energy at my core was quickly changing. While I was in Washington State, the focus out there was at my Solar Plexus.  It took a big hit many times, and I worked through tons of fears etc… This is what she saw shifting. She also saw my energy extending up to the top of the magnetosphere, with a filter that protects me from those that are choosing to remain in the lower energies. There are some people that are not done with those lessons and that is fine, but I am not working with them anymore.  My time working in the goo of the lower astral planes is over; I am only assisting those that are moving into the new upper section of infinity. I can see that this is not just for me. It, of course, goes way beyond my personal journey.

gold-infinity (1)As, I was working on one of my clients this week, I could see through her energy that the circle reconnected at the middle and it looked like the infinity look again, but different.  It has a different frequency. A frequency like gold, but not like gold at the same time. It is brand new. I could also see that she has the same filter I have. In addition to this I could see a large filter on the new Infinity symbol.  The upper infinity is separate from the lower via the filter, but it remains connected. What this means in our real world is that those in the higher energies are not leaving the planet in a mass ascension. There is not another location they will be going too.  But, yet they are separate. I know this sounds nuts, but here is my experience. I can go into the dense areas of my neighborhood and feel nothing. I don’t have to have massive amounts of protection around me anymore. The filter does it for me. All I have to do is control how I react to them.  And that depends on my level of mind mastery. Their energy doesn’t affect me. Only I affect me. The people in my past that betrayed and hurt me feel completely different. Even though I have love and compassion for them, I can’t feel them. They really feel gone to me. Those in the lower energies are in a different world even though we can still see them.  I hope others will begin to feel what I do.

I believe this filter is the new firmament that separates the waters of the upper part of infinity from the lower part.  We have a new infinity symbol with a new firmament.  It makes sense.  The old infinity symbol was the one that fell 2 galactic years ago.   We could not use that energy as we move into the new Earth school.  The vibration would not be compatible.   New School needs a new Infinity Symbol and a new Firmament.   I remember seeing way back in 2013, the old firmament collapse because it was corrupt.

I would like to turn your attention back to one of my last articles.  I wrote about the Jewish Year 5778 that we are currently in. 5778 is about the new Covenant with God.  I understand this now. The new Infinity loop is the new Covenant. When you add 5778 you get 27. Which reduces to 9.  9 is the upper portion of Infinity, the higher energies. The upper waters are separate from the lower. Moving to the upper is not a matter of choice.  No one in their right mind would chose to live in the lower astral. It is a matter of vibration. That is the key to enter. If your heart does not vibrate at the correct vibratory number, you will not move up.  Those that are still living the lessons of lying, betrayal, judgement, violence, addiction etc.. will continue to learn the lessons they need. The new filter will make it easier for those of us that are done with that.  But, they will be a mirror assisting us in mastering our mind. Not reacting outside of our heart energy is the lesson to be learned. The filter is freedom for us. During my reading with Lisa, she saw I have some major challenges ahead of me.  Once I am through them I will have freedom and ???? I rode a white horse last year named Freedom. I am making space for freedom. It’s no coincidence that the name of my friend’s center is Free Space. The name was chosen in 2008, again no coincidence in that either.  The new Infinity loop with the filter emerged from the Space element, which is also known as Aether. It is the 5th element. 5 is the number of change, and change is what is upon us.

As people are forming this new filter within their energy systems, they are returning to their past issues to tie up loose ends.  When you tie loose ends you make a circle. You come full circle with that aspect of your life. In order to accomplish this a person has to let go of the past hurts, cultivate compassion in their heart.  Then they can tie those heart strings and move on. So many think they have already done this, and they haven’t. If you think about a past hurt, and you still have anger, judgement etc… Then you have not tied the loose ends and come full circle, and therefore cannot build a filter.  Is there still someone in your life that you do not like, or you still have a issue with? If the answer is yes, then that is a good place to start. Inner, honest reflection is a must at this time.

Early this morning (3/24/18), I had a lucid dream experience that was extremely real.  I was standing watch at a gate that was only visible to certain people. As these people went through the gate I would see an explosion of golden light.  At the back of the group were warrior type people that were fighting off angry people that were trying to stop anyone from entering into the invisible gate.  Once the majority of the people where through I jumped in behind them and made it through the gate. I started writing this article about two weeks ago, and I just couldn’t find the motivation to finish it.  Now, I know why. I needed to have the experience of the golden gate. I feel deep within my core that the gate is the upper part of infinity. It is there for anyone that vibrates with its frequency.

However, there are many others that don’t want people to pass through.  Once a person is through this gate, it appears they form the filter that I wrote about, and they begin to taste a new type of freedom.  This Gate is the Gateway to Infinity.  As luck would have it, I found this song completely by accident today.  The name of the song is “Gazing Into The Gate Of Infinity” which is produced by Firmament.  Yes, you read that right!!!!  It was released March 19, 2018.  This is not a random event.  It is a reflection of what is occurring in our physical reality right now.  Here is a link to the song…enjoy!  GAZING INTO GATE OF INFINITY

gate to infinity
A gate to the infinity – a painting of Orit Martin, jewish art, digital…..


How do we make space for freedom?  How do we proceed through the Gateway To Infinity?  Simply by remembering the nature of the 5th element which is known as the Space Element/Aether.  It is the element of infinity, and where all of creation comes from. This element lives in your heart.  When you have a large quantity of this element in your heart, the more open your heart is. The more open your heart is, the more space you have.  The more space you have, leads to more freedom. Freedom requires space to move, to breath, to have room for your wind horse. If you want to make space for Freedom in your life, then you need to generate higher quantities of the actual Space element/Aether in your heart space.  This painting really shows the premise of my article.  Once you move to the upper waters of infinity you will be on your personal path to freedom.  I have to add that I had a lucid dream experience of this painting 3 nights ago.  When I saw this paining today, my mouth dropped.  Please visit this artist’s website.  There are many other beautiful works of art there to enjoy and purchase.

Let go of the old and make space for Freedom!

I am running a Spring Clean Up Special from today 3/24/18 to the end of April.  A 1 hour session will be ½ off at $44.00. This doesn’t affect the Spiritual Scholars Program.

Lisa Rising Berry

If you find the information in my articles insightful and you would like to work towards spiritual transformation through inner alchemy, then consider scheduling a session with me.

I use my clairvoyant ability, esoteric knowledge of many modalities, dream interpretation, Tibetan Meditation and breathing practices, Healing with the Elements and much more to help balance your body, mind and soul.  This will enable you to regain your power, and put you in the driver seat of your life. If you are ready to expand your future possibilities then click here to schedule.

This article is copyrighted.  I would love you to share, but please credit the author Lisa Rising Berry and provide a link to this blog

Aether, Infinity, moon, Mu Cord


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To read the original article written by Lisa Rising Berry – CLICK HERE

I have been writing in my articles and speaking on my radio show about a time that would come when the energies on this planet would begin to hit a level that we have never seen before.  I didn’t know when this would happen, but I knew it was not in the far off distant future.  I have been watching and writing about this increase of Aether/Space element for several years.  And now, it is finally making its way into peoples bodies.

birkeland-currents-4I have written about the Mu Chord energy, which is two cords of plasma (Aether/Space) wrapped around each other.  (You can look for my articles from previous years for more information about the science of the Mu Chord)  Modern science calls this Birkeland Currents.  These currents that make up the Mu Chord are electrical, and are connected directly to our heart energy.  Now that the amount of Aether/Space Element has increased to such a high level it is taking it’s toll on humanity.  In addition to this, we had the energy of the Moon shift drastically in May of birkeland-currents-5last year.  The full moon tomorrow will be the strongest that we have had in thousands of years.  I know this is a big statement.  The reason it is the strongest is due to the fact that it is sending the electrical Aether, Mu Chord energy to our hearts.

Those that can not handle this “charge” will have issues.  If you have not been doing your inner work, then you will fall into this category.  In my Bon tradition it is called the accumulation of merit.  Those that don’t have the necessary accumulation of merit, which is a frequency will suffer greatly or die suddenly.   I knew this was going to happen soon, but I didn’t see it occurring in the way it is.

mu chordAnd that is where I will bring in my friend Lisa Gawlas.  Her vision backs up what I saw coming years ago.  I always say that she makes me feel not crazy.  Our clairvoyant abilities work differently, but they work in tandem.  Which is nice. She wrote an article today describing how she “sees” this new strand of the flu is electrical, and it is causing people to have heart attacks.  The medical community is at a loss, because they don’t understand the spiritual science.  She calls this a virus of light, and I completely agree with her.  It is the light of the new Mu Chord energy, which is in the form of plasma Birkeland Currents, which is Aether/Space Element.

And it is happening at lightning speed.  I don’t feel that we will see a apocalyptic amount of deaths from this particular flu strand.  However, I do feel that is in our future.  The increase of the electrical energy will continue to increase, and those that can not keep up will have to leave and incarnate elsewhere.  This is not mean, it’s evolution, and the time is now and we don’t have time to waste……  The infinity symbol is in it’s proper upright position, and this planet is shifting to it’s next aeon.  Just as the shifting sands of the hourglass.

Onward and upward,

Lisa Rising Berry

Here is a link to Lisa Gawlas’s article….

February is the month of LOVE!  I would like to show my love to everyone, by offering my single 1 hour session at 1/2 off my regular price of $88.00.  wenmbm-2QtW5bcoS0Tw0dwQcql0CA6YitrTHr7HS1Ja4RMcCX8W3gnMT5gur23lzpLhc9

This does not include the Spiritual Scholars Program, because the price for this is already ½ off, with a requirement of at least 4 sessions in a 2 month period.

I am sure we will have a Lovely time during your session.  I hope to see you soon.

Much Love…Lisa Rising Berry

Here is the link to schedule a session…BOOK A SESSION

Here is a link that describes the Spiritual Scholars Program.


This article is copyrighted.  I would love you to share, but please credit the author Lisa Rising Berry and provide a link to this blog

Consciousness and Mind, Dark Feminine, Esoteric Knowledge, Infinity, Maitreya Energy, Numerology, Realities


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To read the original article by Lisa Rising Berry please CLICK HERE

Hello everyone…Tashi delek and Happy New Year!

I apologize for such a huge gap in between articles.  My last big article was written at the end of October.  It was after this rebirth experience I went through.  That event triggered another series of energetic events that where supported by my new Tibetan Bon Rituals I learned, as well as a powerful Ati Meditation Retreat.   I studied with the proper qualified teachers and received the energetic transmissions.  Spending time with my teachers in person, Skype and emails also support this transition.  I would not be where I am now without them, and that is a fact.  I take refuge in them, they support me, give me advice, warm compassionate energy, and then kick me out into the cold world to do my work.   This is what a good teacher does, they don’t let you get attached to them.

pour-out-your-heartSpirit told me to stop writing after my last article, so I did.   I had shared so much of my personal transition.  I poured my heart out onto the pages, and I needed to take a step back.  I was changing so much with my Tibetan energy, that I could not keep up, let alone write anything.  I did try to have a radio show in November, but it did not work out.  I cancelled it because, I still felt too much old crappy energy connected to 2017.  I felt myself separating from that, but the separation was not complete.  I didn’t want to put out  ½ old energy and ½ newish energy.  I felt like a cake ½ baked, I was still soft in the middle.  And that is all I knew.  I could tell that 2018 felt extremely more vibrant and I should wait for the New Year before I resumed writing and doing radio shows.  I also rescheduled with someone that wanted to interview me.  I didn’t even know if or what I would continue doing.  I didn’t feel like me anymore.   I was still changing at lighting speed.  It was a bit scary and exhilarating at the same time.

I didn’t understand the full reason why I needed to stop everything until the first week of January.  I was energetically told to take that week off.  Again, I didn’t know why, but I listened, just like I always do.  I used that time to dig even deeper into the 3 new Tibetan pexels-photo-209717.jpegBon Rituals/Practices that I learned, and had integrated them into my daily life.  After a good Skype conversation with one of my teachers about my meditation practice, I changed that as well.  Then the magic happened, and I could see what was occurring.  All of my past visions I had since the end of October began to click into place.  Sometimes you need to just stop….completely stop…leave things as they are.  Let the dust settle, let the new evolve, and just not care what it all means.  And… I really didn’t care, during this time period.  I didn’t care if I ever wrote another article, I didn’t care if I never got another client, I didn’t care what all of these visions where or what they meant.  All I cared about was clearing something from me that didn’t feel right, something that was blocking me.  And it worked, I let go of the majority of my life…I didn’t care, and I didn’t look back.  Well, that is my personal re-cap that has lead me back to the computer to continue writing and doing shows.  But, I am different, and my path is different.  I still don’t know where this new path is leading me, but I do know that writing and speaking is a big part of it.

As always, this will be a very long and detailed article.  I want to discuss 2 ½ months of shifting that Earth has gone through, and it all involves the Infinity symbol.  So, grab a cup of tea/coffee and relax and read.  You may not want to read this all at once, in fact I recommend you take your time.  It has taken me since October to fully understand what I am about to write, so if this doesn’t make sense to you the first time you read it, don’t worry about it.  Let it go…  I didn’t get it at first either.  Remember, take what resonates and leave the rest.  I do insist that you read or reread Secrets of Infinity Part I and Part II.  Yes, I gave you homework.  LOL…  Actually it will give you the base information you will need for this Part III.  Secrets of Infinity Part I  Secrets of Infinity Part II

Way back at the end of the 2nd Galactic Year or Wheel Of Time, our Infinity loop fell to a sideways position.  This was when our planet lost its connection to God/Source.  The MuChord was damaged.  When this happened Infinity was separated, along with the Divine Feminine and Divine Male energies.  The Divine marriage/union was non existent.  Our world became poisoned with division, anger etc…  We became divided because waters above and the waters belowInfinity fell and became divided.  The waters of the heavens where separated.  This is known as the waters above the firmament and the waters below the firmament.  When the 3rd Galactic year began, the human forms also changed to meet this new energy of division.  We have a left and right side of our brains, which create great conflict.  Not only does this effect the health of our bodies, but also with the way we relate and perceive our outer and inner reality.  It is almost impossible to clearly see the true nature of our reality with the chaos of division.

When this division occurred time also split in half, and a new calendar and new covenant with God was created.  This information is taught in the Jewish religion.  I am very fortunate to have studied so many different traditions, so I have many wells of knowledge and experiences to relate too.  One of my favorite Jewish Scholars is Jeffrey Meiliken.  He has done amazing research and work with the science of Gematria.  If you think my articles can make your head spin, just read one of his, by clicking on his name.  He has been writing for 20 years about the confluence of calendars that is prophesied to take place in 2018 which is the Jewish year of 5778.  I don’t feel that any of the other old prophecies will take place except for this one.  This one is based in the science of Gematria, and it is about the begin of the new, and I happen to see it occurring right now.  confluenceThe meaning of confluence is the junction of two rivers of approximately equal width.  These 2 rivers are the 2 halves of the new infinity symbol.  One river is the old calendar that was created after the fall, the second river is the new river that was created when the infinity symbol turned to its current upward position.  It is also said within this prophecy that a new world teacher will emerge.  This new world teacher is connected to the newly reformed Maitreya energy, which I have also written about.  Everyone thinks this new world teacher will appear here on this “old” Earth body.  I can say for sure that it will not.   No one on this planet is the “Maitreya”, and no one on this planet will ever become the “Maitreya”.   It will take place after this Earth/Gaia is fully in her next incarnation.  How will you know when this event has taken place?  Well, if your still looking at your current body, and current planet, then it did not happen.  What is occurring right not is just the the first part that will set the stage for the new teacher to be born.  “She”, yes….it will be a girl, will not be born for such a long time.  Actually, Earth years can’t even describe this event, and the location of this birth will not take place in the human realm.

Let’s look at the Jewish year 5778, which is the year we are currently in.  If you cut 5778 in half, just like what was done after the fall, we have 57….78.      5+7=12  The 12 needs to be reduced further (1+2=3)   When looking at the 3, you can see that this is ½ of infinity, from the sideways view.  This represents the fall of the infinity symbol to it’s sideways position where it was only at ½ of it’s normal potential.    7+8= 15 The 15 needs to be 5778reduced further (1+5=6)  This represents the lower half of infinity that was not working due to the fall of the feminine energy.  This is the lower energies of Infinity. Once the Infinity symbol flipped to its current upward position, the lower energies were still flowing through it.  Only the position from sideways to vertical changed, not the energy itself.  The next thing to happen was the 6 aspect of Infinity separated from the entire 8.  Remember the 6 energy represents the energy that was created after the fall, the energy that brought us division etc…  It just left, and exploded into flames.  I never thought I would see this happen, but then again, all of this seems crazy.

Then I saw and felt the upper aspect of infinity which is a 9, return to a circle, it sealed itself off, and then it began to twist again. (which I will go into further detail later)  It dropped off the old energy of the fall that it was carrying, and returned to 0.  Which is the number of the galactic year we are in.  I have been saying for years that after the ending of the 4th galactic year which occurred Dec. 21, 2012 (which is the opposite of 12 5+7 in the old calendar),  we would not be starting the 5th year, but we would begin the 0 (zero) year.   Now I really get why.  After I saw the 9 move into a 0, the 0 began to twist into a new infinity symbol, one that dropped the old energy and re-merged with the new.

Right before I saw the lower part (6) of infinity drop off, I had a vision that was presented to me as a stick and the only 2 lights that were light up was the red and orange, both where at the bottom of the stick.  My visions are inline with my symbology and knowledge.  The red at the bottom was the root chakra and the orange was the sacral.  These are the two lower chakras on the body and are connected to the lower half of infinity.  It makes sense why I saw this.  Also, right after I saw this vision,  many of my clients had experiences with these same colors, mostly the orange.  They could feel their sexual centers changing.  Which is part of what is changing.  Seeing these two chakra colors light up, was a sign to me of what was coming.  Which was the lower half of infinity dropping off.  This stick was representative of the MuChord

After the drop off, the section that was left exploded into flames.  This actually occurred during the Takla Mebar retreat I attended, where I learned this amazing Tibetan Bon Practice/Ritual.

 Here is a short description of Takla Mebar taken from my teachers website:

In order to overcome negative forces and the personal, negative emotions and obstacles they create, Tonpa Shenrab Miwo manifested as Takla Mebar (Flaming Tiger Deity) and subjugated those evil forces through his compassionate wisdom mind, transforming them into compassionate and peaceful beings.

Takla Mebar Healing heals the outer poisons and negativities, by transforming them into wisdom and positive aspects, as well as the inner negativities. These are transformed into the clarity of the five wisdoms (wisdom of emptiness, mirror-like wisdom, wisdom of equality, discriminating wisdom, all-accomplishing wisdom).

The Chaphur family have been lineage holders of this yidam since the very beginning of their recorded family history.

I would also like to add that this energy destroys those that have corrupted their vows and those that associate with them.  This is very powerful considering the corrupt behavior that has been taking place since the fall.

This retreat ended New Years Eve, right before 2018 came in.  Those of us at the retreat reported many cool experiences.  I personally have never seen or felt any energy like this before.  This practice is not something that is openly taught on a regular basis.  I know the reason my teacher decided to share this with us was for this purpose.  My Bon friends can call me crazy, but I feel this to be true deep in my blood and bones.  All of us had extreme thirst right after the first day, feeling like we were flaming, dizziness etc..  takla-mibar.-yungdrung-756x1024There where times when we were reciting the mantras that we had no idea how we were going to continue, but we did.  My face would turn red at the end of every day of practice.  I was reciting the mantras in my sleep and would wake up saying them.  A dear friend of mine was having these same experiences.  All of us felt like we received new hearts. Chapur confirmed our experiences, and said, yes, we where all on fire.  I thought I  knew what working with fire was like, and after this experience with this extremely rare and ancient practice, I know that I knew nothing.  Personal experience is the greatest teacher.  At the end of the retreat which was hours before 2018, is when the new 0 was created.  It was this practice that exploded the lower 6 into flames.  I am convinced of this.  Those of us at this retreat are karmically connected and we had a job to do.  Of course, there were others that participated that where not at the retreat.  I had many of my close friends and clients tell me that during the time of the retreat that they were smelling smoke and feeling uncomfortably hot.  Many thought, there was a fire in their homes, and would look for it to put it out.

Now, I have to back up a bit from this spiritual science that I saw occur and connect it to more of my personal experiences that took place back in early October.  Not only did I see this, but I lived it as well.  I wrote in my articles during that time about being in a cocoon and emerging from it into a Monarch Butterfly.  That was the best way I could describe this process I went through.  However, during the first week of 2018, I was able to see more.  I believe the energy of the new infinity allowed me to see more.  The cocoon was a strange energy overlay that was on top of me.  I still don’t know if its original intention was good or not.  At this point it does not matter, because greatness came from it.  Anyway, this cocoon overlay, would not let me emerge from it.  Which was so strange to me.  It didn’t want to let me go.  I connected to it and even talked to it.  I asked it to let me out, it ignored me.  Then I thought that maybe it was it’s job to give birth to me.  So, I asked it to please “birth”me, and I explained I was not to be in here anymore.  After I did that, is when I felt a rain of lead balls coming at me.  The cocoon attacked me when I asked it to birth me and to let me out.  It wanted to keep me inside.  You can read about this experience by clicking here…  I eventually just gave up, and did a practice that is known as Chod.  Which means to cut off and to offer your body to what is attacking you.  So, I offered all of my energy to the cocoon.  I let it eat and attack me basically.  I was protected, and I made it out.  My old energy and my old name were gone, and the new emerged.  This correlates with the separation of the energy of the fallen 6 aspect of infinity.  It was not an easy energetic separation, but a successful one.  I don’t think I know one person that had a really good October, November or December, everyone I am connected with all had unusual challenges.  Thank Goodness the separation occurred and we have a new energetic Infinity symbol. Let me recap.  Infinity was sideways, which occurred after the fall, it flipped to its vertical position (2015), MuChord returned in (2016), lower ½ of infinity dropped off (6) (2017), new infinity energy (2018).

Since we are starting all over with 0.  We have the churning of the milk all over again.  As the 0 continues to twist back into the 8, the milk is churned.  The symbology of the churning of the milk is connected to our Milky Way Galaxy.  Milk starts out as white.  Our 0 is white energy, the purest color of Aether in the form of the Space Element as taught in Tibetan Bon.  0 is the new beginning…a clean slate.  As the white milk is churned, it churning4becomes our new butter, which is the result of the churning and that is the gold energy.  Which is why we have golden energy everywhere.  I saw this gold energy come in many years ago and wrote about it.  And now it is integrating with our bodies.  What is doing the churning?  I am glad you asked.  LOL…  It is the Mu Chord, that I have been also writing about.  The Mu Chord runs right through the middle of the 0.  As this moves it reconnects at the middle and twists the 0 into a new infinity symbol.  This will not be a completely smooth ride.  Yes, we lost a big chunk of negative energy when the lower half (6) fell, but we could not drop it all, or it would be a complete reset button.  And that is not how this planet will shift.

hurricane-earth-satellite-tracking-71116.jpegDuring my week off, I had lucid dream experience.  I was looking at a map with a group of people.  They felt like council members.  I was told there is a incoming storm and that I could not avoid it.  I kept changing my path, and they would tell me the same thing…nope you still will not avoid this storm.  Now, that I am putting all of these pieces together.  This storm is being created by the churning of the milk process.  As our new infinity symbol is being formed the ocean of milk will encounter a storm.  We need the turbulence to create the full golden butter.  I don’t know how long this process will take, but I will say at least this year.  During this week, I had another vision.  This type of vision, are the ones that come to me in a circle.  Then circle then gets bigger, like a doorway Ambrosiaopening up,  and it is as if my eyelids are gone.  I see a movie.  I have to stay unattached to what I am seeing, or I will lose it.  Which has happened many times.  I saw a thick goldish blob moving over land.  I really feel this is the return of the Amrita/Ambrosia…  Which is like food for the Earth, it is the butter.  The golden butter is the result of the churning of the ocean of milk.  The Earth element in the Bon tradition is yellow.  We also light butter lamps/candles.   More confirmation for me.  Ambrosia is gold, the food of the gods.  Balance of male and female.  This nectar appeared after the last churning of the milk occurred.  However, that occurred after infinity fell.  So, the butter that was created was basically mostly poison.  And the rest is our messed up history of violence and division of nations etc…

Another interesting event took place on January 7, 2018.  There was a special alignment that is part of the lyrics of the “Let The Sunshine In” from the Age of Aquarius Album in 1969.  Look at this for a minute.  1969…take apart this number.  19  69.  1+9=10.  10 is the the_5th_dimension-aquarius__let_the_sunshine_in__s_3number of competition, as well as binary code.  We just left 2017 which was a 10 year of completion.  Now, look at the 69.  When you combine the 6 and 9 you get 8.  This says the completion of 8, or infinity.  1969 is a 7 year.  7 is the platform that leads us to the center of infinity 8.  This alignment took place on the 7th.  But wait, there’s more.  The complete numerology for 1/7/18 is 10.  The number of completion appears again.  The lyrics of this song are the real deal.  Now, this was a complicated alignment, and it has taken place a couple of times before, but this is the first after December 21, 2012, and remember it took place in 5778.   The numerology 12/21/12 date is 11.  Which is the numerology of 2018.  Both where/are gateways, each leading to a different aspect of this shift in consciousness.  Here is a link to a video explaining the astrology, which is complicated.

“Age of Aquarius” Alignment January 7, 2018 – RARE!  And here is a link to the song from 1969  The group is the 5th dimension.  This is where confusion begins.  Most people think the Golden Age will take place in the 5th Galactic year.  As you can see now, this is not the case.  It takes place in 0 year, new beginning, a new Genesis.  The number 5 is representative of change.  And great change is what just took place.  One more interesting note about this song.  It is called, “Let the Sunshine In”.  This alignment that is connected to this song, took place in the Jewish New Year of 5778.  The Sun’s temperature is 5778 K (Kelvin) on the scientific scale.  It looks like the sun’s golden energy is about to get more golden in vibration.

5778 1

When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

This alignment on January 7, 2018 took place in Scorpio the 8th house. Scorpio protects the mysteries of infinity.   The tail of the scorpio points to the center of the milky way, which as I stated, is where the churning is taking place.  Scorpio is the house of death and rebirth.  I love being a Scorpio.  Scorpio, the scorpion evolves into the snake.  The snake is symbolically the Mu Chord.  The Mu Chord is symbolically the DNA of our Earth.  It was an important Snake that was used in the last Churning of the Milk, and it is that same snake that is being used again, but it has evolved.  Snakes are connected to the Naga kingdom.  I wrote about how they evolved last year.  It is the snake/MuChord/DNA that connects the upper waters to the lower waters.  Nagas are water spirits.  It is obvious it was all leading up to this major event.  After Scorpio evolves into the snake it Red-Garuda-photo-copythen becomes the Eagle or Firebird/Phoenix.  In my Bon tradition this FireBird is called the Red Gardula.  The Red Gardula has the beak of a Eagle.  It rises from the ashes.  2017 was the Year of the Firebird, and it set the stage for 2018 and beyond.   Notice the downward triangle piercing the snakes.  To me, according to my experience and symbology.  That is the old lower triangle removing the old unbalanced Naga energy.   I will go out on a limb here to say, that I feel after the infinity is finished churning and twisting, it will explode into the fire of the Red Gardula, and will then begin its movement on the path of the New Golden Age.  How long will this Golden Age on Earth last?  I don’t know.  But, I do know that it is leading us to the biggest shift we will ever experience.  That topic will be my next article, and as always, I have already written about this, but I will be adding more.  I have to share a interesting note here.  I have just begun my study of the Red Gardula Rgolden 8 1itual, and now I know why.  It will take me about a year to really absorb this practice, and incorporate it fully into my daily life.

The year  2018 is a clear map to what just occurred.  2 represents the 2 calendars, which are also the new feminine energy and her counterpart combining.  0 is what formed after the lower half of infinity dropped off (6). 1 is the MuChord which is doing the churning to create…  8 which is our new infinity symbol for the Golden Age.  I will write in detail about the the numerology of 2016, 2017 and 2018 and they clearly showed us what was coming.  I wrote an article called Numerology of the shift several years ago.  This article will be part 2.  I will also be writing about a inner pole shift that has taken place within the human body.  These next articles are really a continuation of this one.  I would love to write about all of this now, but this article is really long as it is.

Welcome everyone to the humble beginnings of the Golden Age for planet Earth.  It came in at the end of December 2017, without much notice.  No celebration, and no applause.  It emerged from the deep shadows of creation and just appeared.  When you least expect something great to occur is normally when it happens.

Much Love,

Lisa Rising Berry

Check out my new Spiritual Scholars Program…where multiple sessions are 1/2 price.

Here is a link that describes this program along with the requirements.


If you need assistance or advice with your journey, please schedule an appointment with me.  I use my clairvoyant abilities to help you remove blockages and move forward.

Please read our website to explore what I have to offer.  You can also read my Bio on our page to see my qualifications.  Click here to schedule an appointment….LINK TO SCHEDULE

If you are not familiar with what I do, here is an article I wrote.  READ ABOUT WHAT TO EXPECT DURING OUR SESSIONS  Or you may visit our website by clicking on the following link.  CLICK HERE FOR WEBSITE and schedule and appointment.

This article is copyrighted.  I would love you to share, but please credit the author Lisa Rising Berry and provide a link to this blog


Esoteric Knowledge, Infinity, Realities, Spiritual Teachings


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To read the original article written by Lisa Rising Berry please CLICK HERE

Today, January 11, 2018, on a energetic level is a very powerful day.   It coincides with my article I wrote yesterday about the Jewish New Year of 5778, and how it connects to this year, and the changing of the energetic vibration of our infinity symbol.

We have the 11th day of the 1st month in a 11 year.  This gives us a total of 5 1’s.  5 is the number of change, and things are certainly changing, but this type of change has been a long awaiting one.  Jewish scholars have been writing about this time since the original separation of the waters of the firmament took place.   They have been waiting for this year of 5778 for the two calendars to merge.   These 2 calendars can kind of be considered timelines on a broader scale I suppose.  But they really are the waters of the firmament that are joining in a Hiero Gamos union.  My friend Sanna showed me a video about how over the past few days many strange water anomalies have taken place.  I didn’t know about this when I wrote my article, and I am glad.  It may have polluted my information that I was receiving.  But, we have physical evidence that this change is occuring.  It is not just our imagination or delusion.

Let’s look at 11.1.11.  The 2 pairs of ones each represent one of the calendars.  The group of ones on the right represent the past when the split occurred and infinity fell on it’s side.  Which was our fall in consciousness.  The group of ones on the left represent the upward infinity with it’s new energy vibration.  Each of these groups were major portals that lead us to different experiences.  The portal that took us to the fall in consciousness was devastating, however, we now have the current portal on the left which represents our return.  This portal is open all year, and I feel it will never close.  The 1 in the middle represents how these 2 portals are actually combined.  One leads to the other, in a cycle.

Cyclic events like this one are very powerful.  Whether we like it or not, we are a product of our past.  Not just as a society, but on a personal level as well.  Today is a day where our past collides with our present, and makes way for our future.  This is true for our Earth, but it is also true for us on a personal level.  We are a microcosm of the macrocosm.

Today 2 worlds literally collide to create the true Golden Age.  This is the day to make peace with the past.  For our planet and for our lives.  This planet’s past has been very difficult, because we fell very deep into the darkness of the abyss.  The deeper the fall the higher the potential for a momentous rise.  And that is what this planet did, and today makes this official.

This is the first day of the real clean slate.  Today is the energetic Gate that the Jewish Scholars have been waiting for.  They call it Heaven’s Gate.  When the infinity loop fell, I wrote how people could not easily obtain liberation from reincarnation.  With the upward infinity inplace and combined with 5778, the Gate, which is the MuChord is 100% functional.  Freedom is here.

I recommend taking time to meditate, contemplate and put your new outlook into your daily life.  See your past as the amazing portal that taught you life lessons.  Forgive and let it go.  It is gone.  It made you who you are now.  You can’t change the past, you can only change your emotional reaction to it.  This is what our planet is doing on a energetic level today.  It rose from the ashes and now it is integrating both calendars.

The highest level of wisdom to obtain from today, is to see that one is not bad, and one is not good.  They are both energy, and can be transmuted and used for different purposes.  Energy is energy, it is our perception through suffering that places labels.  The Earth is merging what is seen and felt as a negative calendar with what is seen and felt as a positive calendar.  But the Earth knows ultimately it is all just a learning experience, and nothing is permanent.

Today is an excellent day for writing down what you can do NOW, to create your desired future.  Not a wish list for a possible future.  Today is a day of taking action, so look at what can you do now.  Write it down and then do it.  Today is also a perfect day for rituals of manifestation such as candle magic, and also healing rituals.

Enjoy the day of two worlds colliding.  This vibrational energetic event will never happen again on this current planet.

To Infinity And Beyond,

Lisa Rising Berry

Check out my new Spiritual Scholars Program…where multiple sessions are 1/2 price.

Here is a link that describes this program along with the requirements.


If you need assistance or advice with your journey, please schedule an appointment with me.  I use my clairvoyant abilities to help you remove blockages and move forward.

Please read our website to explore what I have to offer.  You can also read my Bio on our page to see my qualifications.  Click here to schedule an appointment….LINK TO SCHEDULE

If you are not familiar with what I do, here is an article I wrote.  READ ABOUT WHAT TO EXPECT DURING OUR SESSIONS  Or you may visit our website by clicking on the following link.  CLICK HERE FOR WEBSITE and schedule and appointment.

This article is copyrighted.  I would love you to share, but please credit the author Lisa Rising Berry and provide a link to this blog


Azoth, Infinity, Radio shows


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To see original article written by Lisa Rising Berry – CLICK HERE

Before reading this article I would strongly recommend reading my last two articles that I will post here. FIRST ARTICLE….SECOND ARTICLE I go into the details of Rahu and Ketu, and how they where the demonic energies that controlled the moon until the nodes shifted on May 9th.  Both articles are very long.  We also did 2 radio shows on these articles that are on our Rising Frequencies YouTube Channel.  This Thursday will the the 3rd.

It’s interesting that the energy of the full Moon on the 8th and 9th of this month (July) is perfect timing.  8 and 9 are playing an important role right now in our 10 year of completion.  The Earth has been continuously purified with the fires of Azoth…a topic that I have been writing about for a long time. Now it is the Moons turn.  Without the purification of the Moon, things would only be half fixed, not balanced.

do-not-disturb-sign-se-2655_showcase-burrevI have been on a 9 day vacation, today is my first day home.  I really tuned down my antenna and put up a do not disturb sign..  I didn’t want to receive any information unless it was an emergency.  A friend/client of mine sent me a great question, and when I tried to respond, I couldn’t respond at all.  It was a question that was easy to answer, and knew the answer, but nothing….  I needed a break.  Today, I read a post on Facebook by a fellow writer and clairvoyant Lisa Gawlas.  She described what she currently sees in the field and I jumped for JOY!  My vacation is over.

I normally only write my articles on the basis of my visions and personal experiences, but I 100% trust what Lisa saw, because it ties into my first two articles about the nodes of the moon.  She has a great way of seeing the field that I resonate with as much as I resonate with my own abilities.

Here is how she described what she saw.  I give explanation it in my terms based on my previous articles.  My interpretation is connected to my work, she will write about how this is connected to her work.    Plus, when I read what she saw, my do not disturb sign crashed, and I was flooded with information.

There is fire in the sky, lots of them in bonfire visuals, in a horseshoe shape (starting deep right, then bending deep left, then right again as we enter August. The fire flames turn into crystalline flames as we enter august. The great purification is underway (came thru my first reading today) as we move into the 8/8 Lions Gate!!

Written by Lisa Gawlas

Before I even go into the root of her vision.  The first sentence speaks volumes to me.  I wrote an article called Fire In the Skies in 2014.  It was about the Blood Moons.  There were things that did not feel right to me about what I experienced, but I didn’t write about them.  I decided to stay positive, and I just thought it was my monkey mind playing tricks on me.  This was not the case.  The moon was supposed to be purified in 2014.  Things have only been half prepared until this full moon.  I wrote how I saw the fires ignited, and then” fire trucks” pulled up.  I really thought the symbolic “fire trucks” where supposed to put the fires out by adding water to them, but I was wrong.  I understood the adding water part, but not to put them out. I didn’t  grasp the knowledge of Azoth energy in 2014, to the extent I do now.  I saw fire with no water applied.  Azoth is a perfect combination of fire and water, which creates steam/smoke that is carried by the energy of the air element via the White Horse.  The water was supposed to be added by Rahu and Ketu the nodes and keeper of the Lunar/Feminine/Water energy, and it was not added.  So, there was zero Azoth purification of the moon taking place, all we had on the moon was fire energy.  This is anger energy, Mars energy…all male with zero feminine water.  You will read in my last 2 articles about how the Nagas have been deprived of water, and my personal experience with this.  This is why I did not see any water applied to the fire when the “fire truck” pulled up in 2014.  The good Nagas were without water, and the bad Nagas…Rahu and Ketu were in control.  We did not fully experience the Blood Moons the way it was intended.  The Moon has been broadcasting angry fire energy at us…not purified Azoth energy.

I have been saying since 2015 that things always feel ½ way done.  Like with every grand leap we make, I only see fluffier bars on our prison cells.  I don’t see any bars now…not at the moment.  I also wrote in my Fires in the Sky article,  about an experience I had during the Blood Moons that I thought was a positive experience.  I am sad to say it was not…it was an attack.  I did figure this out at the end of 2014, and was positive by 2015.  The crazy physical and clairvoyant experiences I went through from this time until the present would blow your mind, and would be a book.  I now understand were it was coming from and how it was Moon related.  I was at the wrong place on the Astral and saw what was being hidden, and I got attacked. Or you could say I was in the right place, which is my point of view.  I am just now putting all the pieces together.  The whole saga for me began in sometime in 2013.

Her next words….bonfire visuals, in a horseshoe shape jumped at me as I sat down to write this article. And her words….The fire flames turn into crystalline flames as we enter august. The great purification is underway (came thru my first reading today) as we move into the 8/8 Lions Gate!!

This gave me shivers to my core.  Here is her drawing of what she sees….

lisa g horse shoe pick

Andrea and I visited Lisa Gawlas during the summer solstice this year.  I volunteered to charge/activate her crystals that she recently mined.  I told her I would use my Tibetan Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, closeupchants/prayers.  She accepted my offer before I left for Texas.  At the end of our day with her, we all decided to make s’mores by her bonfire.  My husband, who is very strong and balanced male energy built the fire.  Just like I saw in my vision, the fire was placed.  And then 4 women sat with him in a horseshoe shape around the fire.  Four water/feminine energies to add to the male fire…  I will get to Lisa’s role in a bit.  Shortly after we sat down around the fire, I had a special visitor come to me.  It was an OWL!!!!  Anyone who knows me understands that I am the crazy Owl girl.  My connection to this divine creature is indescribable.  Owls are silent in flight.  I saw it land in a tree very close to where the fire was.  Without thinking, I got up and and walked over to it.  We locked eyes for what felt like an eternity.  Then when the others walked up he/she flew away.  But that is OK, I knew I got what I needed from our gaze.  I just didn’t know what it was.  Then Lisa said to me, “Alright Owl girl, how about you charge my crystals.”  I knew the timing was 100% perfect.  We returned to our horseshoe shape and I began my ceremony.  I ended up completely doing something different.  I did not do what I had planned, which made me nervous.  I should know better than to make a plan.  The wisdom of my Owl gave me different instructions.  At the end, I felt like it didn’t work.  But, the seed was planted and Lisa felt the energy in her body after we left (which she wrote about), and now she sees the flaming horseshoes in her trees, which is where I connected to my Owl before I worked on the crystals.

The symbol for Rahu and Ketu look like horseshoes.  This ties in with the White Horse information I have been discussing.  (picture)  If you combine 2 horseshoes it will make a circle, if you twist a circle you have infinity.  Rahu and Ketu were each one half of the nodes purificationpower of infinity.  Lisa saw a sideways horseshoe, which clearly tells me they have been turned off.  When where were sitting around the bonfire in a horseshoe pattern, Lisa sat opposite us, in what would be the open part of the horseshoe.  She was recording me, and was not really part of the horseshoe group.  Her position closed the horseshoe, and the trees where the Owl landed were behind her.  She turned the horseshoe into a sideways infinity symbol which is a closed loop.  I wrote about this closed loop of infinity in the Secret to Infinity articles.  Before that night, the Rahu and Ketu symbols were in the upward, open position.  Now they are closed for business and the great purification by Azoth is beginning.  She sees this continuing into the Lion’s Gate on 8/8.  Which I 100% agree.  The infinity symbol connected to the Earth has been switched and now the infinity symbol for the Moon has done the same thing.  When you look at the date of the Lion’s Gate 8/8, there are 2 infinity symbols.  Until now, only one was working, now both are working.  In my humble opinion, this is the first fully functional Lion’s Gate we have ever had.

Lisa sees the tiny horseshoes on fire in the upper part of her trees. While I was with Lisa, a group of us went tubing.  I saw trees that looked like Mangrove trees to me.  I wrote about a vision I had were I saw the Mangrove tree and was told it was the new tree of life…the tree of freedom.  We just finished celebrating Independence day here in the states, and it felt completely different to me.  Like it was real freedom I was celebrating.  Well, the Owl I had an encounter with was at the top of the trees representing wisdom and freedom, and Lisa’s vision took place at the top of her trees.  Perhaps the Owl will replace the Eagle as a sign of freedom…who knows.

Thanks to Lisa’s vision I am doing my happy Azoth Fire dance in celebration of the FULL purification of the  moon, which occurred on 7-8 and 7-9.  These numbers are very important.  8 is of course infinity, but the 9 represents higher consciousness which we need for this 10 year of completion we are in.

We are having a radio show this Thursday, and hopefully I will get a chance to add this to the discussion.  If not, then we will get to it during next show.  Or… if I feel the information surrounding this event is not complete then I may wait to discuss it further.

Enjoy these completely new FULL Moon energies, they are the gift that will keep on giving.

Much Love and I hope to see you in the chat during our show Thursday,

Lisa Rising Berry

If you need assistance or advice with your journey, please schedule an appointment with me.  I use my clairvoyant abilities to help you remove blockages and move forward. Please read our website to explore what I have to offer.  You can also read my Bio on our page to see my qualifications.  Click here to schedule an appointment….LINK TO SCHEDULE

If you are not familiar with what I do, here is an article I wrote.  CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE ABOUT MY SERVICES.   Or you may visit our website by clicking on the following link.  CLICK HERE FOR WEBSITE and schedule and appointment.

This article is copyrighted. I would love you to share, but please credit the author Lisa Rising Berry and provide a link to this blog

Azoth, Consciousness and Mind, Infinity, Inner Transformation, Matrix

Return Of The Primordial Luminosity And The Power Of The Tibetan A (THE RISE OF A)

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This is a repost of the original article written by Lisa Rising Berry, Click here to read original

It has been a long time since I wrote my last article.  I always like to wait for many physical experiences to occur in my daily life to back up the clairvoyant information I receive.  It seems like it always happens all at once for me.  All or nothing!  In addition to “seeing” new information I found clarity in old experiences that I had many years ago.  One of my most profound experiences I had was in May of 2103.   I wrote it down….THE RISE OF A.  I had other experiences over the last few years, and since I didn’t know what they meant I forgot about them on purpose.  I “knew” in my heart that when the time was appropriate, I would see the meaning.  The time is now, and it’s interesting because my past experiences all happened around this exact time of year.  I hope this article flows nicely, it is long and has many layers to it.  I have a lot of new information to tie in with old visions that I now understand.

aether newThis paper is further explanations and updates on the subject of the 5th Element.  I wrote my first article on this topic 3 years ago, and my personal experiences and knowledge has grown a bit since then.  In 2014 when I first wrote about the 5th Element, I knew it was called many names, Aether being the main one.  In Western culture Aether (æther) was recognized as the 5th Element by Aristotle.  However, this information was known in the Tibetan Bon tradition 18,000 years ago.  The element of æther is a combination of emptiness, (like the sky) and clear light, (like the sun).  When you look at the Western name æther, which is how it was written in Aristotle’s time you will notice that the a and e are touching.  They are connected yet separate at the same time.  If you combine these two letters they will make a 8.  This is the energy of infinity in the correct sense.  The sideways symbol of infinity is closed, and energetically this has shifted a few years ago, as discussed in several of my previous articles.  When you untwist the infinity symbol you have a 0.  The zero is empty, and is one half of the meaning of Aether.  The other half is when the 0 is twisted and becomes the infinity symbol.  This is primordial luminosity, clear light, never ending, born from the dark vastness of empty space.  Infinity is everything and nothing at the same time, it is all and nothing combined.

ah...spaceThe Tibetan Bon tradition knew this concept so well 18,000 years ago.  In fact the name for the 5th element in this tradition, is called the Space element.  It is the Tibetian A symbol, pronounced as AH.  The 5th Element, or the Space element is depicted as the color white, and is on a blue background.  White is primordial luminosity, and blue is the vastness of the sky, or spaciousness. They are connected yet separate.  This element is connected to the heart, which in the 7 Chakra system that most of us learned in the West, is zero point on the body.  The heart chakra has 3 other energy centers above it and 3 below it.  The heart is the center and focal point.  The 5th element or Space element or æther is represented by the infinity symbol, the point where infinity connects is the heart.  I am a Tibetan Bon practitioner, and I have found my home in this practice.  There are a lot of people that have many negative things to say about Bon, and it is due misinformation about it’s extremely long past.  I will save that information for another article, that I will write over the summer.

Many people will find what I have to say next, shocking, and it may throw people into cognitive dissonance.  Tibetan Bon is the original spiritual practice that was created on this planet.  It has evolved alot since 18,000 years ago, but it is the source that all other bon po sitckertraditions come from.  Just like how the æther or space element is the source which all the other elements have been created.  When I found this out, I embraced it!  I could feel in my heart it is the truth, and I was not offended.  I now can see how the Bon blood lineage and the spiritual practice is assisting in the increasing amounts of æther/space element that is available on this planet in the physical.  I wrote 3 years ago when I saw on the astral how the amount of the 5th element was increasing in quantity.  What I didn’t realize was that I was shown this would happen in May of 2013.  The number 13 is the number of the Divine Mother, (yes, I have written about this too), and it is this primordial luminosity that is returning to this planet at this time, and it is doing it through the power of the Tibetan A.

In May of 2013, I was in a altered state during my sleep.  I clearly saw the following sentence move across my vision…..THE RISE OF A.  I was not at all familiar with the Tibetan symbol A at that time.  And even when I wrote my first article on the rise of æther on the planet, I didn’t think about how æther also begins with an A.  It wasn’t until just recently when I had some new experiences that I was able to have the knowing that the THE RISE OF A, is the rise of the frequency of the Tibetan A to the planet, and it is being done through the practice of Bon.

Lotus flower like fire and yogaI also wrote a few years ago how this æther/space element turned into the color gold.  Au is gold, again we have the luminosity of the A.  This gold energy, as I wrote is a new frequency to this planet.  The lead of the planet has been turned to gold on the astral level, and is now filtering down to the physical thought the ancient Tibetan Bon tradition.  We have the capacity to create hearts of gold.  I feel when I saw the æther/space element turn gold it was symbolic for me.  When we draw a picture of the sun, we make it gold.  But, really the sun burns so bright and is so luminous that it is really more white, or white/gold.  In the Bon tradition, this is called the clear light of awareness, and it is depicted as white on the A symbol, with the blue background.  The Tibetan A is the luminous “gold” sun, which is really white, illuminating the blue vastness of the empty sky.  This is one of  the most powerful symbols for us right now on this planet.

For those that have studied the vast wisdom found in the Kabbalah, you will find this information explained in a different manner, but it still means the same thing.  The Ainsophaurenergy that we currently have available to us, which up until now, has been very low in quantity and vibration is also known as Ain Soph.  Ain means emptiness, never ending or infinity.  The next aspect of this light is Ain Soph Aur.  Which is limitless primordial light of awareness.  Notice the Aur….Au is the periodic element of Gold, and then we have the r.  Could that be connected to my vision of the RISE OF A?  Maybe???  What I do know that this new energy….which is not really new, but is increasing in large amounts on this planet is gold or white/gold.

Now, how is this energy that we are receiving being placed on our physical 3D planet we call Earth, or Gaia?  The answer will be strange for some, but to me it made my heart of gold sing.  It is being done through the long lost Tibetan practice of Bon.  This spiritual tradition, like I said, is the first, the original. As more and more people learn and do these practices, the energy of the A will continue to Rise.  Now, am I saying that Bon is the only bon monasteriesspiritual practice bringing this energy to our Earth in the physical.  Of course not!!!!  However, I am saying that this tradition, due to it’s 18,000 year old unbroken lineage in it’s teaching, is making the largest contribution.  This is why this indigenous culture was almost wiped out by the Chinese government.  Even other Buddhist traditions tried to remove it.  Like it or not, in the past there where negative energies on this planet that did not want us or our planet to ascend.  These entities, which controlled physical people, knew all about the power of the Tibetan 5th element symbol of the A, and wanted the power wiped out.  The indigenous culture of Tibet, particularly the original Bonpo people where the key targets.  They almost succeeded, but it is not gone, and it is on the RISE!!!  Especially in the West, thanks to many brave and dedicated Lamas that have brought this precious gift to us.  I bow in deep reverence to them.

This brings me to my next experience that I had last year, that left me hanging.  I spoke about this experience on our radio show, and I specifically said, that I felt I would not know the meaning of this for about a year.  Well, almost one year to the date that I had that experience,  I had 2 more.  The last 2 I just had just a few weeks ago, and they are all connected to the rise of this energy.

Last year, in a very lucid state, I was in complete darkness.  I now understand that I was in the void of creation, the center of emptiness, the vastness of space or æther.  I could not see anything, but I could tell I was inside of a sphere, which to me felt like a egg.  I was trying to break out of it, I felt the “egg” crack a tiny bit, and then my whole body my visionbegan to vibrate like a huge tuning fork.  This vibration woke me up and I just laid there enjoying the feeling.  I knew I would not know what this meant for a while, so I didn’t care about the meaning, I just laid there and soaked up the vibration of my body.  Then a few weeks ago, while in my lucid altered state, I saw a body rising up from the bottom of my vision.  This body had the outline of a head, torso, and 2 arms.  The head was looking up and reaching to the upper part of my vision.  It was clear to me that it had emerged from something.  This body did not have any eyes, nose, ears or mouth.  All the senses where one.  The body also had lines, like vertical meridian lines  on it.  It was grey in color, but the lines where black.  About 1 hour or less after having that “vision” experience I saw an egg being cracked open into a white bowl.  There was one yellow yoke at the top and at the bottom there were 2 white pieces.  Together they formed a triangle.  I am still putting the pieces together of this vision.  But, what I know so far is the yellow yoke is the Golden energy that is being created from the golden eggA symbol.  I know the A symbol is white, and that it is represented in the 2 other white pieces.  I am going out on a limb here, but I feel the 2 white pieces are connected to the old Earth energy and the new Earth energy that we are moving into.  Or it could be the 3 pieces of the Ain energy of the Kabbalah.  Actually, it’s not just energy, but 2 different physical locations.  The connection and the way we will move from one to the next is the single gold energy.  I wrote about this energy 2 years ago.  I discovered the name is Monoauah, which means single gold energy.  Mono…is one.  M is the 13th letter of the alphabet, and is the middle letter of the alphabet, or the middle of infinity.  Au…is the symbol for gold.  And the coolest part of this name, which I had no idea what it represented until now is the AH.  That is the Tibetian A symbol, or the name of the 5th Element.  When it is pronounced it sounds like AH…..

I want to cover one more point.  I know this is a long article, and I am sorry for that.  My next one will not be any shorter.  LOL….  Here is a quote from Samael Aun Weor about Ain Soph, I will tie this quote into the information about the Mu Cord that I have recently been writing about.  OMG!!!!  I just realized as I am typing this…  M in Mu cord is connected to the 13th middle letter of the alphabet, and the u is connected to Au gold.  Now I know why I got the name Monoauah.  This Mu Cord is GOLD.  I wrote about where the Mu Cord is in one of my recent articles, but it is in Tibet…Mt. Kailash. Home of the Bon tradition, and zero point on the planet.

The Ain Soph, which is at the top of the Tree of Life, Symbolically is Described as “Uncreated Light,” which can be said to be “Dark” because We Do Not have the Eyes to See it.  Our Own Ayin has not Developed for Us to See that Supernal Light, so to Us it is Darkness.  Nonetheless, It is a Light that Manifest All Existence, Gradually, through Stages and Condensation, through the Complication of Matter and Energy as:  The Flow of the Ain Soph Aur illuminates All the Galaxies, Solar Systems, Planet and Atoms of Existence.  This Light has Many Levels.  The Vast Majority are Non-Physical, when that Light Finally Emerges Into the Physical Realm, It’s Vehicle is the Solar Light.  It is the Life in Every Atom.”

Samael Aun Weor (1917-1977)   


I wasn’t going to go into a lot of detail about the teaching of this quote, but I just have too.  As I was typing this, I realized how this pulls everything, from my visions to æther to the Mu Cord.  I just can’t let this opportunity pass me by.  So, if this is too long for you to read, you can finish it later.  LOL…

The very first sentence speaks of the Tree of Life.  In Tibetan this would be the Mu Cord.  It is our connection to the upper divine energies.  It is written in ancient Tibetan text that this cord was cut by evil.  As we know in Western knowledge that our Tree of Life is not in the original condition.  The light is Described as Uncreated Light.  Yes, it is uncreated because this is what we use to create from, the womb of creation or the void.  Which can be said to be Dark because we do not have the eyes to see it. Another name for the 5th element besides æther and space is called dark matter.  When I was in the “egg”, I could not see a thing.  I was in complete darkness.  I was in Ain Soph.  when I saw the body rise up, it did not have any eyes.  It could not see, which falls right in line with this teaching.  This light has many levels”.  It is obvious that we are rising to the next level of this light.  And my very favorite part of this teaching is “when that light finally emerges into existence”.  Well, I actually saw this emerge when I saw the body moving upward.  I saw the future of humanity and the new body we will eventually have.

ah_symbolTHE RISE OF A…..The power of the Tibetan Symbol of A is on the rise.  The golden energy is on the rise and humanity has broken out of it’s shell and is also on the rise.  We have no where but to go but up.  If you want to increase this process for humanity and for yourself, I would strongly suggest learning the Tibetan Bon spiritual practices.  I am a westerner, that has fully embraced this tradition as my own, it is the home of my heart space.  It is the only practice that I have seen work in my physical life.  It is this tradition that I introduce my clients to.  And it has never been more apparent to me why I do this than now.  I have even started to learn how to speak, write and read Tibetan.  I don’t know all the reasons why I am doing this yet.  But, I do know that one of the reasons is because this Tibetan energy needs to continue to increase in the West, and when I speak the Mother Tongue, I can feel magic happening.  “I speak therefore I create”.

EMAHO!!!!!  (This is a Tibetan-Sanskrit exclamation meaning that something close to a marvelous realization is occurring, and that is how we see the world around us)

Much love to ALL!!!
Lisa Rising Berry

If you need assistance or advice with your journey, please schedule an appointment with me.  I use my clairvoyant abilities to help you remove blockages and move forward.

Please read our website to explore what I have to offer.  You can also read my Bio on our page to see my qualifications.  Click here to schedule an appointment….LINK TO SCHEDULE

If you are not familiar with what I do, here is an article I wrote.  READ ABOUT WHAT TO EXPECT DURING OUR SESSIONS  Or you may visit our website by clicking on the following link.  CLICK HERE FOR WEBSITE and schedule and appointment.

This article is copyrighted.  I would love you to share, but please credit the author Lisa Rising Berry and provide a link to this blog



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Reblogged from Lisa Rising Berry’s Blog, to view the original article, CLICK HERE

Here is Part II to the Infinity series that I wrote 2 years ago….

My two favorite topics to research, study, experience and write about is Aether and Infinity. After I recently had a lucid out-of-body experience where I was looking at our galaxy from the top down view, I started to receive and tap into the sea of Universal Knowledge.  At that moment I knew I wanted to write Part II of the Secrets of Infinity paper, so this is the continuation.

Before reading this paper, please read Secrets Of Infinity Part I.

Hand holding a glass globe with reflections of a sunsetRight now we see our reality from an upside down point of view.  Modern Medicine is making people sicker, along with GMO’s.  The legal, banking and political systems are backwards and corrupt.  Violence is an accepted form of entertainment etc…   The list goes on.  There is a scientific reason for this that I don’t think many people have considered, and it all relates to the secret of infinity and how the Aether flows with it.  I am going to attempt to explain my hypothesis in the easiest and simplest way I can.  This is my theory of what is occurring with our galaxy at this time in relation to the shift from the horizontal infinity loop to the vertical loop.  The silver gate/horizontal loop let us in and the golden gate/vertical loop is letting us out of this upside down  reality.

In Part One, I explained how the vertical loop comes from the center of the horizontal loop.  As I was researching the movement of Aether in relation to gravity, I found a diagram that shows how the vertical loop occurs.  I was stunned to find this.

How the Lemnoscate is formed

If you look at numbers 1 & 2, you will see the two sections of the horizontal infinity loop.  Now, look at #3, this is where the beginning of the vertical loop/golden gate began to form.  Here is the link to the website where I found this graph.  According to this website this is the point of intrusion.  I love the use of the word intrusion, because that is exactly what has happened.  The golden gate of the vertical infinity loop intruded on the old closed horizontal loop.  If you combine the 2 small circles shown in this diagram you have a vertical loop.

We have now switched to the new path of the Aether, which is the vertical golden gate infinity loop that I call the Lemnoscate.  So, what does this mean for us, and our experience of this upside down  reality?  It means that our view and perception is switching, as we travel up the Lemnoscate.

For a moment, visualize the horizontal infinity symbol laying flat on a glass table.  The glass table represents our spiral Galaxy.  Following the Hermetic Principle of “As above, So Below….it is quite obvious our perception of reality is in the “As Below” aspect.  We, temporarily fell from the “As Above” perception.  So, if we are looking up at our galaxy, it will seem to be rotating counter clockwise.  Counter, in this circumstance refers to being in opposition with the flow, which is why our world seems upside down.  We are down…looking up.  The only way we can “see” and “experience” this reality is the counter opposite to what it really should be.  So, again, what now….how do we “see” a different reality?

The next thing I want you to visualize is the vertical golden infinity loop/Lemnoscate going right through the middle of the glass table.  As we travel along the now open golden gate, vertical infinity loop/Lemnoscate, it leads us out of the upside down view of the Galaxy, upward-infinityand we move to the “Above” perception.  When you are above the Galaxy you will see the spiral moving in a clockwise direction.  The counter opposite is no longer present.  We will then completely perceive and experience a totally different reality.  In my opinion and hypothesis, this is what the Great Shift In Consciousness really is.  Does the Galaxy start turning in a new direction?  No, of course not.  The only thing that has shifted is us, as we travel up the Lemnoscate to a higher view.  The great spiral is still spinning in the same direction, but our perception of it is no longer the same, as we left the “As Below” and entered the “As Above”.

Once we are fully “flipped”, and are existing in the right side up reality, our relation to this new flow of Aether and gravity will shift.  Anti-gravity only exists here in a counter clockwise reality.  And that new aspect I will discuss in Part III of the Secrets Of Infinity.

Peace and enjoy the flip,

Lisa Rising Berry

I am still having my February special on sessions.  You get 2 one hour sessions for the price of one.  It’s all about the 2’s for February.

I am also offering new services you can read about.

If you need assistance or advice with your journey, please schedule an appointment with me.  I use my clairvoyant abilities to help you remove blockages and move forward.

Please read our website to explore what I have to offer.  You can also read my Bio on our page to see my qualifications.  Click here to schedule an appointment….LINK TO SCHEDULE

If you are not familiar with what I do, here is an article I wrote.  READ ABOUT WHAT TO EXPECT DURING OUR SESSIONS  Or you may visit our website by clicking on the following link.  CLICK HERE FOR WEBSITE and schedule and appointment.

This article is copyrighted.  I would love you to share, but please credit the author Lisa Rising Berry and provide a link to this blog



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Reblogged from Lisa Rising Berry’s article, to see the original post, CLICK HERE

I wrote this article exactly two years ago today, and I decided to publish it again on it’s anniversary for a special reason.  The shift of the energy of infinity in our lives was the first of the big changes this planet went through.  This shift in infinity is continuing to increase at such a rapid rate.

Without this first shift, the Azoth energy would have never been able to manifest, and we would have never moved through the center of infinity to a new time in space.


This research may not interest everyone. Some may read this and say, “So what”. That is OK with me. I don’t know if my findings will actually help anyone in their journey inward, but this is something I felt I needed to do. I am not sure why yet, but to me it was important.

I started this research in January of 2015 and then, my partner Andrea joined me. We made an announcement on our Radio Show Rising Frequencies that we had discovered some very interesting things. That show is available on YouTube. We waited to write about this, because it sounds crazy that we found the name for the vertical infinity loop. That was my goal….

gate-of-men-to-godThis paper is about the sideways infinity symbol and the vertical infinity symbol, and their connection to the Silver Gate of Men and the Golden Gate of the Gods. This is where I began my own research. These findings I am presenting are my own. I know many other writers have written about the Silver and Golden Gates, in relation to Astrology and Ascension. The knowledge of these Gates have been known for thousands of years. Once I found what I was looking for I did find some published works in Mythology that backed me up. I was thrilled to locate them, it took a lot of time, because not much is out there on this subject, in the way I approached it.

This is my conclusion based on the science of Gematria and the use language. Numbers and words are the keys to unlocking mysteries unknown to us. You have to really think outside of the box to find tiny treasures, and that is just what I did. I connected to my very active Inner child energy, and just let my intuition and imagination run wild. I feel there may be a slight chance that I have uncovered something new using these two sciences, however crazy that may sound. I know there is nothing new under the sun, but I can’t find anywhere the use of the name I have discovered, and the math 100% supports my findings.

I took apart certain words according to what they sound like when spoken, and did not pay attention to the exact spelling. At times I felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants, and some invisible force was guiding me in my research.

lemniscateI started with the word Lemniscate, the sideways infinity symbol. I have felt for many years that the sideways infinity symbol represents the Silver Gate of Men, this is the Gate which humanity enters into this Earth School. This loop is guarded by Taurus. The sideways infinity symbol is a closed loop. Once you come in you can’t get out, you feel trapped. I feel the vertical infinity loop represents the Golden Gate and is the open loop that leads humanity to Infinity, and out of this reality matrix. The Golden Gate is guarded by Scorpio.

The name Lemniscate means decorated with ribbons. When a soul enters through the Silver Gate of Men and walks into a body, thus becoming human, they are decorated with ribbons. These amazing ribbons are called our DNA. We exit using the Golden Gate which is the vertical gate.

I could feel both Gates are essentially the same, but used for different purposes, so they have different polarities. We know what the name of the sideways infinity loop which is Lemniscate, but there is not a name for the vertical infinity loop. At least I could not find one. I knew there had to be a name, and that name would prove my theory.

silver-gateI looked at what each Gate did, what their main functions are, and it is really simple, when you look at this from the eyes of your inner child. One Gate let’s you in, and the other Gate let’s you out. Let begins with letter “L”, just like Lemniscate. I decided to start there. I really pronounced the word Lemniscate slowly, and I heard Lem…in…gate. Like…. ”let me in gate”. I did the Gematria for the simple phrase, “Let in gate”. Since this is what it does. The results are 558 which is a great number. If you add them all together you get the number 9, which is the number that represents consciousness. Also, when you look at the number 9, it is ½ of the infinity loop. By entering through the Silver Lemniscate or the “Let in Gate”, you are starting the first half of your journey. The second half is getting out. I decided to taking this number 558 a step further, and looked at it by dividing it in ½, since it represents ½ of our journey. If you add 5+5 you get 10, which is the number of completion. The number left is 8, which is the upward infinity loop. This shows us that the upward infinity loop is the completion of our journey.

The vertical infinity loop represents the last ½ of our journey, which is the way out. Since the Lemniscate is the “Let in Gate”, I figured the vertical loop is the “Let out Gate”. The gematria for “Let out Gate is 885. Same numbers showing they are both Gates, but in a different combination showing they serve different purposes.

golden-doors-kaabaThe next step I took was finding the name for the vertical “Let out Gate”. I use the same method that I used to find the Let in phrase, but in reverse. I figured since they are the same Gate used for different purposes, that the spelling would have to be close. Through a lot of trial an error I discovered the name Lemnosgate, and the “Let out Gate”. Here is the gematria for Lemniscate using Simple and English versions equals 606 and 101. The gematria for Lemnosgate equals 666 and 111. When you look at the gematria for Lemniscate (Let in), you see a separation between the numbers. This is representative of the separation from the divine we encounter when we enter this closed loop reality. The gematria for my word Lemnosgate shows the connection is regained when we leave through the now open Golden Gate of the Gods.

gold infinityThe infinity loops, both of them are the time loops that everyone talks about. We are finished with the old time line loop of the Lemniscate and the new Lemnosgate is open. You can chose which one you want. Stay stuck or leave. I can tell from the posts on facebook that the majority are stuck in the very old timeline of the closed loop. That frequency and information is almost completely gone, and I do not know what will happen to those that chose to resonate with false light information. They are feeling that everything is a trap, including the New Earth energy. They cannot feel the vertical infinity loop at all, which is very sad, and time is running out.

Back to the research….

I was very happy with the results I had so far, but I wanted more. I could not find anything on Lemnosgate. So, I decided to Google Lemnos for fun, to see what would pop up. What I found just astonished me! I am still shocked even as I type this, because as far as I am concerned this piece sealed the deal. I found that Lemnos is used in a Science fiction book, entitled “The Gate of Lemnos”, by Francis Jarman. And, it just gets better… Here is what the book is about. “The Gate of Lemnos is the entrance to a new world, one of the wonders of the universe, and Terra’s only planetary colony containing alien life forms. We are on the brink of the new Golden Age of Aquarius, which is the new energy of the New Earth. FANTASTIC!!!!!! The vertical infinity loop that I call the Lemnosgate is the entrance to our new reality.

At this point Andrea joined me in this research and even took it further.

Hello everyone, this part of the story is being told by Andrea. Lisa has described the “As Above” information about the infinity loop and it’s connections to the Gate of Man and Gate of the Gods, and I will describe the “So Below” information – how it connects to the human body.

I have had the nagging feeling for nearly a year that something is wrong with the “LEMNISCATE” as a horizontal infinity symbol. In fact, I had a very vivid dream where I was shown a sideways infinity symbol shift from a horizontal position to an upright position, and I was told that the upright position was the correct position for the symbol.

blue infinityI saw the human body with the upright “LEMNOSGATE” infinity loop (using Lisa’s ingenious new term) with the top of the loop extending up, up, up to connect with source energy at the Galactic Center and the bottom of the infinity loop extending down, down, down connecting to the heart of Gaia – and the cross section meets right in our heart center.  

This energetic template is the source-connected human template and is in the correct energy. This is the template we are trying to regain and reactivate at this time.

The template that we have been working within the existing human energy body is misaligned. The top chakras form an upper vortex facing upward and the bottom chakras form a lower, downward-facing vortex. When spun on a vertical axis, and the horizontal, sideways lemniscate infinity loop is formed.

When the sideways infinity loop is spun, it produces an electromagnetic field that is torus-shaped (like a doughnut).  The issue with this form is that the faster it spins, the smaller it becomes, and it is disconnected from our source above (Galactic Center) and our source below (Gaia).

I now must give credit to Ashayana Deane who talked about this toroidal field, how it cannot re-eve-and-the-appleenergize itself and will eventually run out of energy. When this happens the body dies.  She called it the “poisoned apple” because the field looks a bit like an apple.  Like Snow White in the fairy tale, she bit the poisoned apple and fell into a death-like sleep.  And when Eve took the bite of the poisoned apple, she entered the form of the damaged human body and accepted death and separation from source.

Unlike the sideways infinity symbol, when the upright infinity symbol is spun on the vertical access it narrows and lengthens out to reach the source energy above and the source energy below symbolizing the infinite beings that we are!

I have seen many other signs and symbols of the upright infinity symbol. An image that looks like a backbone made of interconnected chain links has been seared into the front window of my house. My son brought home a unique crystal that we just discovered today is called an “hourglass selenite” and it represents the upright infinity symbol.

I have seen the number “144” repeated so many times and in so many places I cannot count. I was also given a message in a dream where I was shown a human light body facing me, and when it turned sideways it expanded into 12 layers of 12 luminous bodies.

All of these signs point to our DNA and the new 12 strand DNA that we must repair. The infinity symbol represents DNA, and there are 144 double-helix strands in our 12 strand DNA.

dnaimage1In an experience I described in Episode 10 of our Rising Frequencies radio show, I saw my own DNA strands as interlinked infinity symbols standing up from a lying down position and intertwining around each other in beautiful golden energy, repairing themselves and activating from my root chakra to my crown and above.

Our energetic bodies have been knocked off balance and disconnected and must be repaired.  We must form this upright infinity loop of energy traveling from the earth up through our heart and looping through our crown and going back into heart.

We must do this in order to pass through the Golden Gate.

What is so important for everyone to know is that YOU OWN EVERY CELL OF YOUR PHYSICAL BODY and YOU OWN ALL OF YOUR ENERGETIC BODIES.

This includes your higher chakras and any implants you may have!  Yes – our higher chakras from our upper energy vortex which has pulled false light into us. That is because false light was being fed to us.

But what is so important to know is that we MUST regain control of the upper chakras of our bodies!! You control your chakras – and you can take them back. Likewise – if you have any implants in YOUR fields – you can reprogram them with your intent to work for you.

You start at the root, and clear and cleanse and re-activate – and you move up and regain control of each one all the way to crown! You DO NOT stop at your heart!!  You must form an energetic link between the brain and the heart so that the heart consciousness (soul) directs your brain and your ego (seated in the brain) bows to your soul – and the two will eventually merge.

gate-of-men-to-gate-of-gods-infinityWe enter through the Silver Gate of Men at the start of our spiritual journey, and we exit through the Golden Gate of God at the end.  It is time to fix our DNA and our body templates!   Complete Your Own Internal Pole Shift to turn the Poisoned Apple into the Golden Apple – and prepare your temple to enter the Golden Age through the Golden LEMNOSGATE!

Written by Lisa Rising Berry and Andrea Covington Mullaney

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